


ES Series
  1. 1 Handle
  2. 2 Bluetooth antenna
  3. 3 External interface hatch (USB port)
  4. 4 Instrument height mark
  5. 5 Battery cover
  6. 6 Operation panel
  7. 7 Serial connector /
    Combined communications
    and power source connector
    (ES-101/102, Low Temperature
    Model: ES-103/105)
  8. 8 Circular level
  9. 9 Circular level adjusting screws
  10. 10 Base plate
  11. 11 Levelling foot screw
  12. 12 Optical plummet focussing ring
  13. 13 Optical plummet eyepiece
  14. 14 Optical plummet reticle cover
    (12-14: Not included on
    instruments with laser plummet
    ( ))
  15. 15 Display unit
  16. 16 Objective lens
    (Includes Laser-pointer function)
  17. 17 Handle locking screw
  18. 18 Tubular compass slot
  19. 19 Vertical clamp
  20. 20 Vertical fine motion screw
  21. 21 Speaker
  22. 22 Trigger key
  23. 23 Horizontal fine motion screw
  24. 24 Horizontal clamp
  25. 25 Tribrach clamp
  26. 26 Telescope eyepiece screw
  27. 27 Telescope focussing ring
  28. 28 Sighting collimator
  29. 29 Instrument center mark